Monday, June 19, 2017

My Reading Life

My passion is to help my students find books that hook them and foster a love of reading. It is ultimately why I chose my graduate school path in reading instruction. When I reflect on my reading life, I know I don’t always practice what I preach. As much as I love reading, I still struggle with the balance. I find that I don’t devote enough time to reading for pleasure as I always intend to. I am currently working on fixing these habits because I know things will only get put on the back burner more when my baby arrives.

Growing up, I was a good student and took my studies seriously. I enjoyed challenging classes and took many advanced English classes in middle and high school. The book lists for these classes were long and rigorous. I enjoyed the satisfaction of knowing that I had read so many classics and could add them to my reading repertoire. High school and college were definitely the periods in my life where I read the most. Looking back now, I don't think I truly enjoyed that and it definitely wasn't fostering a love of reading. I was and still am a good reader, but I had no drive to read for pleasure.

I believe my life as a reader was put on hold when I started my teaching career. I was always busy and involved in a professional book study with my school, always reading children's books ahead of time to prepare for read aloud instruction, and seemed to never have time to read up on current events or simply read for pleasure. When my friends would ask if I’ve read this book or listened to this podcast I would always feel embarrassed because I never could find the time to do it all.

I am much more aware of this now and know that I want to set a better example for my students and also my own children. I have noticed that the environment which I read is crucial. I can't read in bed if I'm tired and I can't have a lot of background noise. Reading outside is ideal if it's a pretty day outside or reading next to a window where there is natural light. I had never really considered the parameters of where and how I read to matter up until recently. When the conditions are right and distractions are removed, I am a much more successful reader.

My ultimate goal is to find the balance between reading books for graduate school, reading books to enhance my personal and professional career, and also read for pleasure just for the escape.

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